search results for ajax-in-the-news
Sheriff breaks ground on jail expansion
December 27th, 2024Ajax in the News
Sheriff Paul Blackman, county officials and construction executives each grabbed a gold shovel and broke ground on what will be an annex to the Highlands County Jail. “This will be the first jail expansion since 2004, so it’s been more than 20 years,” the sheriff said. “Everyone knows how much this community has grown since that time.
read more >Agriculture Department breaks ground on new $208 million Tallahassee lab, office complex
December 12th, 2024Ajax in the News
From James Call, Tallahassee Democrat Local and state leaders broke ground Tuesday for a new $208 million Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) complex in Tallahassee, celebrating it as a revolutionary step forward for Florida farmers.
read more >Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services breaks ground on new facility in Tallahassee
December 12th, 2024Ajax in the News
From WCTV - Jamiya Coleman TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson and others broke ground on the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ new, state-of-the-art facility in Tallahassee Tuesday.
read more >Commissioner Wilton Simpson Holds Ceremonial Groundbreaking for New Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Facility
December 11th, 2024Ajax in the News
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — This week, Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson joined Senate President Ben Albritton, Senator Corey Simon, Tallahassee Mayor John Dailey, and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) employees to celebrate the groundbreaking of FDACS' new, state-of-the-art facility at the Conner Complex in Tallahassee, Florida.
read more >$6M airport terminal project in Venice readies for takeoff
December 10th, 2024Ajax in the News
"A new $6 million terminal is in the works for Venice Municipal Airport. The current terminal was built in 1989 and is not up to code, according to a memo from Airport Director Mark Cervasio to the city manager.
read more >Holmes-Hunter Academic Building dedicated on UGA campus
October 9th, 2024Ajax in the News
From Online Athens: "The University of Georgia held a ceremony Oct. 4 to dedicate the completion of renovations to the Holmes-Hunter Academic Building located next to the historic Arch on north campus. The building in 2001 was renamed in honor of Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter-Gault, the first African American students to attend the university.
read more >Clearwater City Hall Wins Design Award from AIA
August 29th, 2024Ajax in the News
The City of Clearwater Government City Hall project with Wannemacher Jensen Architects, slated to start very soon, has won a Design Award from AIA Florida! This brand new city hall project will be a 3 story 41,679 SF administrative facility along Myrtle Avenue, directly south of the Municipal Services Building in downtown.
read more >District breaks ground on new elementary school
August 20th, 2024Ajax in the News
Palatka Daily News covered the recent groundbreaking of the forthcoming Putnam County School District's Crescent City PK-6 school. "Middleton-Burney Elementary School Principal Tiffany Scranton wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty Friday morning. In fact, she had been looking forward to it for a while.
read more >Ground breaks on Leigh Perkins Conservation Education Center
August 19th, 2024Ajax in the News
"An exciting new chapter opened at Tall Timbers this month with a groundbreaking on the Leigh Perkins Conservation Education Center. Once complete, the facility will allow Tall Timbers to host larger groups of up to 300 people to its main campus in the Red Hills region between Thomasville, Georgia, and Tallahassee, Florida.
read more >Brevard EOC Hosts Grand Opening Sessions
July 31st, 2024Ajax in the News
The FEPA alert, Chris Eliadis, FPEM "On June 1 and 2, 2024 the Emergency Management team hosted two community open houses in collaboration with our partners. These events welcomed residents into the new facility, providing them with valuable insights into emergency management procedures.
read more >Brevard County opens new EOC
July 10th, 2024Ajax in the News
Brevard County's emergency management director says their operations center is the most activated in Florida. Saturday, the public got a chance to tour the county’s brand-new emergency operations headquarters in Rockledge.
read more >Brevard debuts new Emergency Operations Center in time for expected busy hurricane season
July 10th, 2024Ajax in the News
The new 52,000-square-foot complex at 1751 Huntington Lane in Rockledge is more than four times the size of the nearby former 11,000-square-foot facility. And it opens just in time for the start of what's expected to be an unusually active hurricane season.
read more >Brevard County heads into storm season with a new Emergency Operations Center
July 10th, 2024Ajax in the News
The new Brevard EOC replaces an old one built in the early 1960s, which had cramped spaces made even tighter when teams were under one roof working through hurricanes. Now there’s plenty of room to work, eat and sleep while dealing with high-pressure situations.
read more >New $35.6 Million Brevard County Emergency Operations Center Opens in Rockledge
July 10th, 2024Ajax in the News
The Brevard County Emergency Operations Center, that until now was housed in an old bunker styled building on Cedar Street in Rockledge, is the most activated EOC in the entire country and this new facility was long overdue.
read more >The Tallahassee-Leon PSC Example
June 28th, 2024Ajax in the News
"A model for successful integration of a PSC-ECC along with other functions (EMS, fire department, transportation management) into a single complex with integrated functions is the Tallahassee-Leon County Public Safety Complex in Tallahassee, FL.
read more >OUC Opens State-of-the-Art St. Cloud Operations & Maintenance Center
May 21st, 2024Ajax in the News
From the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) website, we proudly share this exciting press release! First net-zero energy campus for a Florida utility will support area’s growing population May 16th, 2024: ORLANDO, Fla. – Today, OUC—The Reliable One gathered with construction partners, dignitaries, and community leaders to cut the ribbon on OUC’s state-of-the-art St.
read more >Ajax Building Company Honors Best Subcontractors of 2023
May 17th, 2024Ajax in the News
Tallahassee, Fla. — Ajax Building Company, LLC is proud to honor 25 trade partners for their 2023 Subcontractor of Year Awards. Since 2006, Ajax has maintained this annual tradition of celebrating the partnership between Ajax and its subcontractors. Winners spanned eight (8) regions from Southwest Florida to South Carolina and an added ninth ‘region’ of Interiors.
read more >EFSC Breaks Ground on Major New Technology Center
April 9th, 2024Ajax in the News
Eastern Florida State College leaders broke ground Monday on a new Center for Innovative Technology Education (CITE) that will set a regional standard in training high-tech workers. The $20 million facility on the Melbourne Campus is scheduled to open in August 2025 with programs that can lead to Bachelor Degrees, Associate Degrees and College Certificates.
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