At Ajax, we take great pride in delivering our projects on-time, on-budget, and with a level of quality that exceeds industry standards. To ensure the success of our projects, it is our goal to staff each and every project with a team of management staff, subcontractors, and vendors that are fully qualified to perform the work at hand and are complimentary in respect to their efforts.
To ensure that your firm has every opportunity to receive consideration as a prospective subcontractor or vendor for Ajax projects, we offer the following information regarding Bidding Opportunities and our Bidder Prequalification Process.
Bidding Opportunities
Bidder Prequalification
As standard policy, Ajax requires that all prospective subcontractors and vendors successfully complete our bidder prequalification process. This prequalification process consists of:
- Annual Prequalification – Self-service prequalification process that establishes bidder’s general qualifications for a period of one (1) year from approval date, including not-to-exceed single and aggregate project limits. In order to initiate the annual prequalification process, prospective bidders shall complete and submit the Annual Prequalification Request (link below). Within five (5) working days, you should receive an invitation via email to complete the self-service prequalification process which is a prerequisite to pursuing project-specific prequalification for bidding projects with Ajax Building Company, LLC.
- Project-Specific Prequalification – Project-specific prequalification is required for each project that you intend to pursue with Ajax. In order to initiate the project-specific prequalification process, prospective bidders shall complete and submit a Project-Specific Prequalification Supplement to the Ajax project contact identified on the form and/or listed on the Project Information Sheet (available in Bidding Opportunities above). The form may be obtained via the link below or from Ajax project contact. All project-specific prequalification efforts shall be coordinated directly with Ajax project contact referenced above.
Upon successful completion of both the Annual Prequalification and the Project-Specific Prequalification indicated above, you will be notified by Ajax as to your eligibility to bid on the project.
This prequalification process provides assurances that the project will be staffed with a team of construction professionals that can provide the expertise, manpower, and resources required to successfully deliver all project requirements. This prequalification process also assures qualified bidders that they will be competing for project scope packages on a level playing field with peers of similar qualification.
For questions regarding the Project-Specific Prequalification Process, please contact the Ajax project contact listed on Project-Specific Prequalification Supplement and/or listed on the Project Information Sheet (available in Bidding Opportunities above).
Subcontractor Vendor Forms:
For questions regarding the Annual Prequalification Process, please contact:

Jeff Chamberlain,
Pre-Qualification Manager
EmailGo to mailto: jeff.chamberlain@ajaxbuilding.com
O: 813.792.3900Go to tel: 813.792.3900
M: 727.394.3241Go to tel: 727.394.3241

Judd West, Director of
Preconstruction Services
EmailGo to mailto: judd.west@ajaxbuilding.com
O: 850.224.9571Go to tel: 850.224.9571
M: 850.556.4440Go to tel: 850.556.4440
Subcontractor of the Year
Since 2006, Ajax Building Company, LLC has maintained an annual tradition of recognizing and celebrating the quality, teamwork, and high safety standards of our subcontractors through our Subcontractors of the Year Awards in the following trade categories across eight regions throughout Florida, Georgia and South Carolina: Core Trades, Finish Trades, and MEP/FP/T Trades.
“As a third generation of the Smith family and this company, I literally grew up hearing my grandfather and father constantly reminding the entire team about the importance of everyone working together to achieve the goals of our clients and our company,” said Ajax Vice President Jay Smith. “It is not coincidence that we choose the best subcontractors when we design a team for each individual project. We are proud to honor these outstanding partners. Their dedication and commitment to Ajax standards of excellence is reflected by our long list of satisfied, repeat customers, as well as our many new clients,” said Smith.