At Ajax, we believe in making available our talent, knowledge and resources to assist in the development of individuals and businesses so that they can become productive players in today’s construction Industry. We form partnerships with organizations such as the Office of Supplier Diversity, the Business Opportunity Offices, Minority Business Enterprise Offices, County School Boards, Universities, local Chambers, and Purchasing Departments throughout the State.
Utilizing our relationships with the different organizations, Ajax sponsors receptions inviting the various contractors, vendors and suppliers. At these events, we inform the participants of opportunities with our company and obtain the information necessary for the pre-qualification process for the upcoming projects in that area.
It is the policy of Ajax, through its Community Outreach and Vendor Diversity Program, to increase the business opportunities for Minority / Women Business Enterprises, Small and Disadvantaged Businesses. Our commitment is to maximize participation through the development of mutually beneficial business relationships with the various organizations, sub-contractors, suppliers, and vendors. The efforts are company-wide including not only traditional construction procurement, but also the non-construction contracting activities associated with the industry.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Ajax recognizes that it is our social responsibility to ensure equal opportunity for all individuals. Our company’s Human Resources Department works tirelessly to ensure fair and equitable employment practice, and the Office of Community Outreach and Vendor Diversity continuously reach out to the community in order to increase diversity on every project. Ajax is committed to providing equal opportunity to all individuals based on qualifications without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, religion, ethnic group, or individuals with disabilities.
Community Involvement
Ajax prides itself on our high level of involvement with the community through participation in both local and national charities.
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