City of St. Petersburg Police Department Headquarters
Ajax served as the Construction Manager for the City of St. Petersburg’s Police Headquarters, which consisted of a new main building with an Administrative Wing and a Property & Evidence Wing, a parking structure and a central energy plant (CEP) on a 6.3 acre site. The entire facility is designed and built to withstand 195 mph winds. The project was designed and constructed within Green Globes protocols and certified to 3 out of 4 Green Globes and is a sustainable facility for City operations and management for the life of the buildings.
The main building is a three story, 168,780 SF concrete tilt panel and steel structure. This facility houses the Office of the Chief, Administrative Services Bureau, Uniform Services Bureau, Investigative Services Bureau, Vice and Narcotics, Public Records Access, Property and Evidence Storage, Vehicle Evidence Processing, Forensics Laboratory, Tactical Apprehension Control, Mobile Field Force, City & PD Data Center, the City’s Emergency Operation Center, the Police Communications Center which also serves as the backup 9-1-1 call center for Pinellas County and Pinellas County Sheriff’s Dispatch operations coupled with the 150 foot Motorola Communications Tower that was upgraded and replaced as part of this project. The facilities are serviced by a 9,350 SF Central Energy Plant (CEP) with multiple redundant utilities ensuring the essential operations of the Police Headquarters. Work also included construction of a 321 car, four level precast concrete structured parking garage with a 470KW photovoltaic panel array over top of the deck.
The buildings contain site cast concrete tilt-wall elements with 11,000 CY of concrete, 700 tons of steel structure and 190,000 SF of metal deck. The CEP houses chilled water-producing, high efficiency chillers, pumps, cooling towers and other mechanical equipment that supplies chilled water to the air handling units. The facility is served by a 1,500KW emergency power generating system which services the critical operations areas in addition to life safety functions. The facility integrates leading edge technology, security, access control, communication and audio-visual systems. The parking garage is a 115,992 SF precast concrete structure with 1,450 photovoltaic panels over the top deck that generates enough power to run the systems in the garage and one third of the building space.
The Emergency Communications Center (ECC) and 9-1-1 Call Center on the top floor are outfitted with Evans communication consoles and protected with VESDA smoke detection and clean agent fire protection systems. These state-of-the-art consoles are installed over a raised access floor with extensive R56 grounding protocols to ensure operations in all conditions. Video walls surround the ECC space for main operational functions as well as adjacent training and break out room spaces. The video walls in the ECC and EOC space on the first floor utilize HIPERWALL software for multiport sources to be broadcast over the entire wall, to individual monitors within the video wall or subdividing an individual monitor within the video wall into multiple sources facilitating wide range of video and display sources.
The facility integrated public artwork into the design and construction process. The City commissioned multiple artists to produce artwork that helped convey the mission of the Police Department and the relationship with the Public. These pieces are elements of the main entry and the Lobby spaces. The complexity of the art required coordination with the artists, the City and the construction team. Planning meetings were held from the beginning of the project to ensure the timely integration of the supporting systems as well as the final installations and the coordination of the life safety systems around the finished pieces.
City of St. Petersburg<
St. Petersburg, FL
AECOM, Harvard Jolly Architecture/PBK