Inside FSU’s New Science Building
From the Tallahassee Democrat – “The Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science building is spacious inside with several amenities designed for research, as well as aesthetics. At seven stories, it succeeds Doak Campbell Stadium as the highest point on campus and towers over Tennessee Street, even though that is considered the rear of the building. The exterior features a brick façade complemented by a five-story, glass-and-metal window installation, also by the Master Craftsman Studio, featuring the FSU torches. Other features include a seismometer, solar flower, and “Science on a Sphere” — a display of global data such as atmospheric storms, earth quake occurrences, climate change and ocean temperature that can be shown on the sphere. This will eventually be on full display and an appeal to visitors. The SmartFlower is a solar panel disk valued between $35,000 and $40,000 and donated by Jack Winchester, emeritus professor of oceanography at FSU. The device can produce enough solar energy to power two houses.”
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