Ajax Building Corporation Breaks Ground on the New Expanded Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic
Tallahassee, FL – December 7, 2018, 3:00 PM – Ajax Building Corporation Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic (TOC) and Elliot Marshall Innes architects (EMI) to break ground on its new two-story, 30,000 square foot facility. Mark Didier, CEO of TOC; Dr. Hank Hutchinson, Managing Partner of TOC; and Jay Smith, Vice President of Ajax will all be speaking. These speakers will be available for interviews after the ceremony.
With Tallahassee’s steady development and the continual advancement in technology, TOC needs this new facility to better serve the community and their growing practice. This clinic will conveniently combine TOC’s current three satellite offices (Marianna, Perry, and Bainbridge, GA) into one location on Welaunee Boulevard and Fleischman Road, close to the current main clinic on Capital Medical Boulevard.
The new clinic will house TOC Now, the urgent care walk-in clinic, in addition to their general orthopedic, sports medicine, joint reconstruction, trauma and pain management specialties. It will also continue to provide MRI, X-ray, and orthotic services. Both the design and construction of this facility will incorporate flexibility that will lend itself to future expansion and TOC’s changing needs.
With the groundbreaking this month, the project is still on course to complete in January 2020.
About Our Company: Ajax Building Corporation, a nationally recognized family operated, employee owned commercial construction company founded in 1958, is celebrating its 60th year of providing innovative construction services. Ajax prides itself on delivering projects on time, in budget and with the highest level of safety, customer service and quality regardless of the complexity or size of the project.